Batten Kill Valley Runners
Serving southern Vermont, the Batten Kill area, and beyond.
Notes from our last Club Meeting
BKVR Meeting 6/12/2024 – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Present: Judy Ra/one, Ruth Jones, Jen Sharp, Suzy Nealon, Matt Vernon, Gail Wood
1. Review of Minutes4/16/24 – approved.
2. Membership status – update: Per Jen no new members. Plan to review the process of signing up at a race.
3. Treasurer Report – balance as of 5/31/24 is $9,001.01 plus
$5,000.00 CD.
4. Race Updates:
a) ZemBenn – 5/5/24 Cinco de Mayo theme. 1.In the black by just
$520.00. A more formal agreement is needed on how any profits are distributed. 2. Shirt ordering: reinforce that shirts will only be guaranteed if registration is completed by a certain date. Also consider an additional charge for those wanting a shirt. 3. Only $250.00 was obtained from outside sponsors this year. Labor will need to be increased from all executive participants especially regarding fund raising.
b) ROTT: Judy will check with 4Imprint about the price of gloves.
c) 4 on the 4th: still considering a fun run on River Road
5. ACH Storage: All items have been labeled and are easily accessible. A shirt was obtained for Ed D. since he missed the race.
6. Moonlight Runs: planned for Friday 7/21 at 7:00 pm. The Monumental Runners will be invited.
7. Facebook Updates on activities: Suzy, Jen and Judy have access permissions. Information will be posted advising people when there is a run or meeting.
Respectfully Submitted: Gail Wood