Batten Kill Valley Runners
Serving southern Vermont, the Batten Kill area, and beyond.
Notes from our last Club Meeting
BKVR Meeting 12/10/2024 – 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm via Zoom
Present: Judy Raffone, Ruth Jones, Suzy Nealon, Matt Vernon, Gail Wood, Anita Gabalski, Elisa Donato
Review of Minutes 11/12/24 – approved.
Membership Status – Nothing new to report, however 4-5 renewals were done through ROTT.
Treasurer Report –
Judy provided a brief comparison of 2023 & 2024. The balance is less this year due to the movement of $5000 to the CD and the Zem-Benn race was a breakeven event. ROTT, however, was slightly more profitable: $7177.41 vs $7073.
Race Updates:
Despite the weather the ROTT was held on Thanksgiving Day with a strong showing though there were about 100 no shows. Significant online registration in advance was a benefit. The use of PayPal for those registering after the close of online registration was extremely beneficial resulting in $437 from last minute registrations.
There were many gloves left over from the initial order. The second order did not arrive before the race as promised. Judy spoke with 4imprint, and they refunded the second order.
The raffles are popular at the event however many age group winners leave before the awards are given. For next year consider cutting awards in half. Also consider starting the race at 8:30 which would be consistent with other local races.
Additional ways to hold down race expenses will be discussed at the next meeting. Opportunities include making shirts for the Zem-Benn optional and/or enforcing a shirt only if signed up by certain date.
Dogs: Less problematic this year. Additional notification in registration process was helpful but other enhancements to notify runners will be explored.
Organizing course marshals is the biggest issue but overall, Judy has organized the ROTT process to run smoothly.
Misc: Judy updated the ROTT registration page on the BKVR website to a generic statement of “turkey wear” as the swag. She also tweaked other parts of the website and asked those present to review. The calendar functionality is currently limited.
Moonlight Runs: Now looking toward 2025 runs. Dates will need to be confirmed and updated on the website.
Burr & Burton had requested information from Judy so she took the opportunity to send out the updated process to all designated district schools from the official BKVR email.
Winter Dinner: West Mountain is still being considered. Rob will check for available dates in January and February as well as determine if ordering off the menu can be accommodated. Ideas for speaker(s) should be shared.
a new slate of officers is required for voting on next month: this includes President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Names/interest should be submitted by the next meeting.
General discussion took place regarding communications and PR. How to get information out to members and other potential racers. Re-establish a 4 on the Fourth. Survey members about how they find out about local races and ways to get members more involved.
NEXT MEETING: TBD in conjunction with the Winter Dinner once confirmed.
Respectfully Submitted:
Gail Wood