Batten Kill Valley Runners
Serving southern Vermont, the Batten Kill area, and beyond.
Course Detail
Marathon Start: Bennington College, 1 College Dr., Bennington, Vermont (50 min from Albany)
Half-Marathon Start: Federated Chuch; 102 Ice Pond Road; Arlington, VT
Finish: Hunter Park/ Riley Rink, 410 Hunter Park Road
Manchester Center, Vermont 05255.
Course Map: These maps give approximate distances. The Full marathon course is an officially USATF-certified (VT14002JK) Boston-qualifier marathon.
Click here for an interactive/detailed map.
Course Description: The marathon is a point-to-point race from Bennington to Manchester Center, Vermont. The course follows mainly secondary roads through the villages of North Bennington, Shaftsbury, Arlington, Sunderland, and Manchester. Sections of the course will be closed to traffic. About eight miles consist of hard-packed dirt, with the remainder of the surface paved.
Shuttle Busses to Start: Full: Depart Hunter Park at 6:30 a.m. (40 minutes travel time). Half: Depart from Hunter Park around 7:50 a.m. There will be NO post race shuttle to the race start. Please plan on parking at the race finish an using the shuttle to the race start in the morning.
Parking: Available to runners and their support teams at the start and finish. Pre-race shuttle buses transport runners from the finish area (Hunter Park) to the start.
Aid Stations: Water will be available at Miles 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. Sports drink will be offered beginning at Mile 5, with gels/GU available at Mile 13.5 and Mile 21.3.
Finisher's Medals: Commemorative handmade medallions to all finishers locally made by middle school students at Mountain School at Winhall.
Baggage Check: Available at Start.
Timing: By Underdog Timing
Portajohns: At start, finish, and at regular intervals along the course.